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Suprema will host a partner conference in Tokyo to reinforce market leadership in Japan
September 11, 2019

Seoul, September 10, 2019 – Suprema is set to host Suprema Connect Japan 2019 (SCJP 2019), an exclusive partner conference in Tokyo on September 19th. This year’s conference will be co-hosted with Secure Inc., a Suprema’s strategic partner in Japanese market.

Exclusive to the SCJP 2019, Suprema will make the first official showcase of newly launched Mobile Credential solution. The new Mobile Credential is the industry’s most advanced and newest smartphone-based authentication solution using both Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) and NFC. The solution features dedicated credential management portal website for card issuing, maintenance and control. The Mobile Credential solution will provide seamless operation over both iPhone and Android smartphones, and easier maintenance with portal service. In addition, Suprema will showcase its latest range of facial recognition products and enterprise access control solutions.

“We are very excited to host a partner conference in Japan. The co-host for the event, Secure Inc., is our strategic partner in Japan and has maintained more than a decade of partnership with Suprema. In cooperation with Secure Inc., we will guarantee our delivery of highest quality products and services to Japanese customers in localized approach which is appreciated by our customers around the world,” said Kenji Oba, Managing Director of Suprema Japan.

Suprema Connect Japan 2019 will be held in Keio Plaza Hotel in Tokyo on September 19, and for more information or to register, please visit